
Asset protection in estate planning
Estate planning and 529 plans
Transferring your family business

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Beneficiary designations
Choosing a beneficiary for your IRA or 401(k)
Designating a beneficiary for life insurance

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Charitable giving
Charitable giving
Life insurance and charitable giving

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Estate planning basics
Estate planning--an introduction
Facing the possibility of incapacity
Gift and estate taxes
Trust basics
Wills--the cornerstone of your estate plan

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Life insurance
Life insurance and estate planning
Life insurance and terminal illness
Life insurance: do you need it?
Planning ahead for life insurance proceeds
The ins and outs of policy ownership

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Medicaid planning
Medicaid and nursing home care
Medicaid and the principal residence
Medicaid planning basics

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Bypassing probate
Understanding probate

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Decision Tools

Business planning
Business life insurance needs
Business succession planning alternatives
Choosing a business entity
How cross purchase plans work
How entity purchase plans work
Number of policies needed with a cross purchase plan
Planning for succession of a business interest

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Charitable giving
How a charitable lead trust works
How a charitable remainder trust works
The best property to give to charity

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Estate planning basics
529 Plan Federal estate tax calculator
529 Plan Federal estate tax calculator - (Consumer Version)
Common incapacity documents
Estate shrinkage
Federal estate tax estimator
Federal transfer tax exemption amounts under the Tax Act of 2001
Steps to estate planning success
Table of federal estate tax brackets and exemption limits

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Life insurance
Life insurance needs analyzer

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The probate process: 3 to 9 months after death
The probate process: 9 to 12 months after death
The probate process: initial tasks
Types of post-mortem elections

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Advantages of trusts
How a grantor retained income trust (GRIT) works
How an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) works
How an irrevocable trust protects assets

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Estate and gift tax
How can I determine what my business is worth for estate and gift tax purposes?
How can I minimize taxes on my estate?
How will estate taxes be paid if I leave no provision in my will?
I intend to make tuition payments directly to my grandchild's college, and I know this will reduce my estate. But would it be better to contribute to a 529 plan instead?
I just made a gift. Do I have to file a gift tax return?
If I am the account owner when I die, will the value of my 529 account be included in my estate?
The death benefit from insurance on my life will be paid to an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT). What if those funds are needed to pay my estate taxes?
What is a family limited partnership, and will it help reduce estate taxes?
What is the applicable exclusion amount?
Will the value of my 529 account be included in my estate or my beneficiary's estate?

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Estate planning basics
How often do I need to review my estate plan?
Isn't estate planning only for the rich?
What makes up my taxable estate?

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Life insurance and estate planning
Are life insurance proceeds income taxable?
The death benefit from insurance on my life will be paid to an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT). What if those funds are needed to pay my estate taxes?
What is a life insurance trust and why should I consider establishing one?
When I die, is my beneficiary required to take a lump-sum payment of my life insurance death benefit?
Will my beneficiaries have to pay taxes on the proceeds of my life insurance policy?

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Planning for incapacity
What is an advanced directive for health care, and will it help me avoid court involvement during incapacity?
What is the difference between a power of attorney and a durable power of attorney?

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Does property owned jointly avoid probate?
What is probate and why do I want to avoid it?

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Can an UGMA/UTMA account reduce my child's financial aid for college?
Should I establish a trust for my child's college education fund?
What is a Crummey power?
What is a life insurance trust and why should I consider establishing one?
What is a living trust?

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Can I disinherit relatives I don't like?
Can I transfer my business through my will?
Do I have to accept a bequest I don't want?
Do I need an attorney to prepare my will?
How will estate taxes be paid if I leave no provision in my will?
I want my son to have my valuable collection of baseball cards when I die. How do I make sure he gets it?
What is the difference between a living will and a living trust?
What will happen if I die without a will?
Who should I name as guardian of my children in case my spouse and I should die at the same time?
Who should I name as trustee?

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